

Cantik. Satu kata yg tepat bgt buat describe-in dia.
Gue lg suka banget sekali sama Daisy lowe Cantik.hihiih. She is having the perfect style!
Born in London, England, to mother Pearl Lowe, Models for the Urban Outfitters catalog, Appears in the fall French Connection print ads,Profiled in British Harper’s Bazaar, Appears on the spring cover of French Revue de Modes, Walks the fall Burberry, PPQ, and Vivienne Westwood Red Label shows in London, Models for Converse print ads, Ends relationship with Mark Ronson, and Walks the spring PPQ and Vivienne Westwood shows in London.
Ternyata ada sebuah tes DNA yang mengatakan, bahwa D'lowe ini masih saudara dengan the Gwen Stefani's husband. Wao, dunia sempit sekali yah. Daisy Lowe lagi sering nih tampil di NYmag. Gayanya yg simple but stylish itu serasa bisa mengInspire semua org!
DaisyDaisyLowe, suka banget gue nyebut"nama ini berulang ulang kali dalam masa hidup gue, hhuuhuee.

Gila! Gue paling suka dia pake baju ini, she is on blue! I like it!!

She's got bangs!

She is trying to keep her Dark Lips! and still cute for me

Wele wele, Des,Des!

Last Daisy photoshoot i have

Dua jempol buat Daisy, kalo perlu 3, empat deh, atau lima (apasih?!)